How to register with the practice
If you have recently moved to the area and would like to register with the practice please see one of our receptionists, and bring with you the following documents:
- Your medical card
- Proof of identity (eg passport or driver's licence)
- Proof of residency (eg utility bill or bank statement)
- PRF form (available from reception or to download)
- New patient registration form, previous GMS1 form has now been updated to the PRF1 form (available from reception or to download )
Or you can register with the practice online using the link below:
To complete your registration with the practice you will be given an appointment with our Health Care Support Worker for a new patient health check.
Everyone in the UK has the right to free care from a GP. If you don’t have proof of ID or address, you can still register with the practice. Immigration status or nationality don’t matter - reception won’t ask for immigration documents and won’t share your information with the Home Office unless serious crime is involved.
NHS England has commissioned DOTW UK to produce an adult and child patient health questionnaire for refugees and people seeking sanctuary in the UK. The purpose of the questionnaires is to enable GP practices to have early access to information that will inform patient management and prioritisation of their needs. There is an adult version of the form and a version for children (age 0-15 years) which can be completed by the parent/guardian. Please see the below links for the questionnaires.
Patients will not be unreasonably refused registration, and “unreasonable” includes refusal based on:
- Medical condition;
- Race;
- Gender or sexual orientation;
- Disability;
- Age;
- Religious group or religious beliefs;
- Political beliefs;
- Appearance or lifestyle.
The Practice will however refuse registration if:
Find your NHS number here
Named Accountable GP information
Overseas Visitors
Relative and friends of patients from overseas are welcome at the practice if they fall ill during their visit. Details are available at reception.